I have started UTP feeling very lost, I was unmotivated, depressed, suffering with anxiety, numbing myself with food and alchool. Living in a circle of unhealthy habits I just couldn’t get out of. Week after week slowly (but steady) I started feeling different, people around me started noticing the difference, the way I was talking to myself changed, I was smiling more, drinking less, not binging, loosing weight, craving JOY from the simple things. Changing the people I used to spend time with. Changing the way I used to spend my money. Changing my priorities. Decided to be the best version of myself! For someone who is scared of investing the money into the program I would say two things: 1- try to add up how much money you are spending in drinks, food, online shopping 2-change really starts when we invest on ourself.
Before working with Nikki [in UTP], I had a horrible relationship with my body, with exercise, with food, and it was affecting all of my relationships. Now I'm a graduate student at Harvard University and I truly wouldn't be here without her. I wouldn't have believed in myself enough to become this person and now I look the way I've always wanted to. I feel like I've completely healed my relationship with food, which I couldn't even imagine saying any of those sentences before meeting Nikki.
I joined UTP when I was at one of the lowest places in my life. I had lost my way and myself. At first I was nervous to join because I felt so exhausted and depleted but the second I signed up I felt motivated! I learnt to love myself again and found my way home. Every exercise has guided me and I love all the wonderful people I got to meet and share with. I am so grateful for this program and proud of myself for having the courage to join.
To give an imagery description. Prior, it felt like I was in the passenger seat in a car marked "Eli's life". Now, I'm in the driver's seat, with a clearer path of where the car is going, how I can steer it in another direction and also more comfortable knowing that the destination might change along the route. What I loved most about this course, is the safe environment Nikki created. How she showed up with so much acceptance and understanding. Everyone showed up with so much love and support for each other, and I'm so grateful for that.
In short, I did not want to live anymore. I felt as though my life was going absolutely nowhere and I did not know how to fix it. Now, I feel incredible, motivated and I have a new lease on life. My favourite part was learning about the exercises for the dream binder. I love that Nikki actively listens and she is so attentive and caring. She is so knowledgeable and she is one of those people that the more she speaks, the more I want to listen.
Holy F@(& !!! I will admit I had doubts about me being able to learn and self-develop when I signed up for UTP, but I was desperate and hopeful that maybe, just maybe I can do it. Well- let me tell you it’s only getting better! Nikki’s approach is just unparalleled to anything I have experienced in my life. Her own vulnerability and openness allowed me to open up to not only myself but strangers too. I truly enjoyed everything about the program.
I am so so thankful to have found Nikki and the Ultimate Transformation Program and to get to be a part of this beautiful community of amazing woman who are all growing together. I truly believe that my life is permanently changed because of it. It gave me the courage to change my path, the ability to trust in life's timing, the coaching to see what fears were holding me back in life, and the community to push me forward. It was truly the most valuable monetary and time investment I have ever spent on myself and I would 100% do it all over again.
What is UTP for me: a magical transformation in a like-minded, supportive community where we get the chance to work through our limiting beliefs and fears and free our higher self to shine through. Thank you for guiding us through this transformation. I achieved so much more in 4 months, compared to going to psychologists for 4 years!
UTP was definitely a life-changing experience for me! Today, I’m a more empowered, confident, liberated, independent and stronger person. I’m so glad that I invested my time, money and energy into it. I highly recommend anyone who has not done any self-work to seriously consider going for UTP. And even if you’ve done it before, I believe UTP serves as a good pit stop and refresher in your life journey.
Nikki’s UTP program has been truly transformational. I used to have a toxic relationship with myself and didn’t know how to deal with fear, anger, shame and not-enoughness. Through this program, I learned to process difficult emotions, recovered my relationship with myself, and have so much self-love and compassion. What I love about his program is it touches on all different aspects of life, and Nikki gives practical tools we can use everyday. I got a dream job right after completing UTP and the best part is it came effortlessly! I am more confident, happier and healthier. I can’t recommend this program enough!
It's [UTP] the best soul searching thing I've ever done. You feel like you’re doing it yourself but you're not. you have a guide showing you the way. So you feel like you're in control which is a really cool feeling because you're planning your destiny, but you're letting go of control to see better results. it’s actually like a toolbox to your destiny