Ep. 4


Spiritual Onion + Soul Steps: Suffering is a Choice

Tune in with Nikki to question, ponder, and understand suffering through a higher lens. What if your life path, pain and all, has brought you right where you’re meant to be? What is sparked inside of you when you think about suffering as something you are choosing? As Nikki breaks down concepts like the ‘spiritual onion’ and ‘soul steps’ in this episode, may you find more strength to be in the difficult moments, knowing there is purpose and deeper fulfillment through it all.

In this episode of A Sharper Life:

• How suffering is a choice you make

• How to understand your suffering & pain as having purpose

• ’Spiritual onion’ & ‘soul steps’ to help you move through difficult moments

• Ways to move through fear & quit self-sabotaging

• Questions for reflection & to dig deep into your life path

Elena Scheiner